The Benefits of Collagen for Hair Growth

You might not know this, but your hair is one of the many different types of protein that your body produces. Hair is made up primarily of protein. When you hear about people going on a special diet to help their hair grow, it’s because their hair is losing protein from the lack of certain types in their diet. The same goes for if your hair starts to fall out or break more frequently—that means your hair isn’t getting enough protein. Fortunately, there are ways you can increase the number of proteins in your diet to help keep your hair healthy and strong. One such way is using collagen supplements for hair growth. If you’re wondering why collagen would help with growing new hairs or even regrowing old ones, it’s because there are certain proteins in it called hydroxyproline and glycine that help grow new tissue—particularly skin and hair follicles. 

What is collagen?

Collagen is a type of protein that makes up most of the skin and connective tissue. It’s naturally produced by our bodies as we age and is responsible for keeping skin looking plump and youthful. When collagen levels drop as we get older, the skin begins to lose its natural elasticity and becomes drier and more susceptible to wrinkles and fine lines. This process can be sped up by exposure to the sun’s UV rays as well as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and even genetics to a certain extent. 

How does collagen help with hair growth?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body and is used to create skin, bone, and connective tissue. Studies have shown that it also can regrow hair and skin. It’s been used to treat wounds and burns on patients for decades. Whether it’s applied to the skin as a lotion or taken internally in a capsule form, it’s been shown to stimulate the growth of new skin and hair follicles. As mentioned earlier, the hydroxyproline and glycine proteins in collagen are responsible for this. In other words, they are responsible for the creation of new cells. 

How to use collagen for healthy hair growth?

If you’re looking to get the most out of your collagen supplements for better hair growth, take them daily with a balanced diet and an exercise routine. Since collagen is a protein, it’s recommended that you take it with other proteins to ensure that your body is getting the right amount. When taken daily for as little as three months, you can start to notice a difference in the strength and thickness of your hair. If you have thinning hair or are naturally balding, collagen supplements can help to promote regrowth. While it’s not a miracle cure that will regrow hair from the scalp, it can help to reduce the appearance of thinning and promote the growth of new follicles. 

The benefits of using collagen for hair growth.

- Increases the strength and thickness of hair.

- Promotes regrowth of hair follicles.

- Regenerates and moisturizes the scalp.

- Increases collagen levels in the body.

- Helps to prevent and treat hair loss.

- Helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 

The downsides of using collagen for hair growth.

- May not be effective for everyone.

- May be more effective for preventing hair loss rather than regrowing hair.

- Will not help to grow new hair from the root.

- May not improve the texture of hair. 


Overall, collagen is a great way to support your body and promote the growth of new hair. If you want to see the best results, take your daily dosage with a balanced diet and an exercise routine. While collagen supplements are effective, they won’t work magic on their own. If you’re struggling with hair loss or want to prevent it from happening, be sure to also check out our guide on how to use vitamin B for hair growth.


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