
Showing posts from August, 2022

Reasons Why You Need Vegan Protein Powder in Your Life

Being vegan doesn’t mean that you can’t get enough protein. A well-planned vegan diet can be quite high in this crucial nutrient. Without the right kind of planning and supplementation, it can be difficult to meet your daily macros when following a plant-based diet. If you are thinking about going vegan or are currently following this way of eating, it is important to know the benefits of adding protein powders to your meals. There are many kinds of vegan protein powder available on the market today. With so many options out there, here are 8 reasons why you need vegan protein powder in your life: 1. You Need More Protein When Following a Vegan Diet Many common misconceptions about protein originated from studies conducted using participants on a meat-based diet. When you increase the number of grains and legumes in your diet, you need to increase the amount of protein you consume, as well. One particular concern is how this might affect weight lifters. If you consume too much p

The Benefits of Collagen for Hair Growth

You might not know this, but your hair is one of the many different types of protein that your body produces. Hair is made up primarily of protein. When you hear about people going on a special diet to help their hair grow, it’s because their hair is losing protein from the lack of certain types in their diet. The same goes for if your hair starts to fall out or break more frequently—that means your hair isn’t getting enough protein. Fortunately, there are ways you can increase the number of proteins in your diet to help keep your hair healthy and strong. One such way is using collagen supplements for hair growth. If you’re wondering why collagen would help with growing new hairs or even regrowing old ones, it’s because there are certain proteins in it called hydroxyproline and glycine that help grow new tissue—particularly skin and hair follicles.   What is collagen? Collagen is a type of protein that makes up most of the skin and connective tissue. It’s naturally produced by our bodi